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1. Ring must be registered at time of purchase.

2. A one-year protection warranty will cover all damage.

3. Exchange program is valid one year from date of purchase.

4. Hua Jewelry setting only, center stone not included.

5. You are allowed only one exchange, with that amount credited towards the purchase of another Hua Jewelry engagement ring of equal or higher value.

6. Custom order rings are included.

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  • How to buy
    Hua Jewelry has earned the reputation as being passionate, dependable manufacturers. Our extensive line of timeless pieces encompasses classic and fashion-forward design, ultimately bringing together impeccable artistry with enduring technology, perfect for every unforgettable moment.
  • How to maintain the product?
    Hua Jewelry has earned the reputation as being passionate, dependable manufacturers. Our extensive line of timeless pieces encompasses classic and fashion-forward design, ultimately bringing together impeccable artistry with enduring technology, perfect for every unforgettable moment.
  • Where can I find more information about the product?
    Hua Jewelry has earned the reputation as being passionate, dependable manufacturers. Our extensive line of timeless pieces encompasses classic and fashion-forward design, ultimately bringing together impeccable artistry with enduring technology, perfect for every unforgettable moment.
  • Where can I find product accessories?
    Hua Jewelry has earned the reputation as being passionate, dependable manufacturers. Our extensive line of timeless pieces encompasses classic and fashion-forward design, ultimately bringing together impeccable artistry with enduring technology, perfect for every unforgettable moment.
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